Jaja dags att rycka upp sig. Jag ska ner till Ungern och träffa mina fina vänner igen och tenta av lite grejer och förhoppningsvis ha tid för lite annat med. Bland annat så är det klippning som gäller. Mitt hår är fruktansvärt just nu. Så nu sätter vi punkt för denna beklämda stämmning med en fin bild från Gamlebyen.
Hi! Today I'm not really on top of my game. well deserved after last nite. But it's nice weather out so maybe it's time to pull myself together and take a shower to do a long walk. That would be really nice. Then I have to start packing my things because I have a feeling that I won't have time for it after work this week. 5 days left. OMG. Why why why?
well well time to think about something positive. I'm going to Hungary and get to see my wonderful friends again, get some exams done and hopefully have time left for other things as well. Among these a haircut is badly needed. So let's just put an end to this and finish it off with a nice pic from Old town Fredrikstad.
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