söndag, januari 30, 2011
Yesterday there was a b-day party at a neighbors hous. Lot of people, good food and drinks. Great! Today it's my fathers birthday and we sang to him this morning and had a big family breakfast together. Unfortunately things are a bit buzy today. he is leaving in the afternoon to go on a businesstrip and my sister has theatrepractice so it looks like my mom and I are going to spend some quality time together. One of their cars are not working either so this is going to be interesting. Then tonight it's time to return to Trollhättan.
fredag, januari 28, 2011
In gothenburg
Idag sitter jag och försöker fixa en hel del praktiska saker och ting. Skulle egentligen på ett annat möte idag men det blev inställt i sista minuten. Jaja sånt händer. Då kan jag följa turnustrekkningen på hemmaplan. Det har fortfarande inte kommit upp resultaten än så det är lite spännande.
Yesterday I was at an amazing meeting. The kidneytransplantcenter in Gothenburg had an annual meeting with lectures, lunch etc. There where some great lectures for example organ donation and trafficking så I was so happy I could participate in the meeting.
Today I'm sitting here trying to organize things. I was supposed to have another meeting today but it got cancelled in the very last minute. Well well what to do about that. I'm waiting for the results for norwegian internship to come up on the homepage. Still nothing...
tisdag, januari 25, 2011
söndag, januari 23, 2011
Oh what a day
lördag, januari 22, 2011
Great start of the weekend
Promenerade hem via älven och det är en så otroligt vacker stad. Man blir så glad i hjärtat av den. Sedan var det dags att plocka fram skolböckerna. Det går segt men jag pluggar åtminstone=)
I woke up pretty early today (for being a saturday). At 10am I was on my spinningbike prepared fr 60min spinning. It was a great class. I got the pulse downin the recoveryphases and it felt that the body just accepted everything. So when the 60 minutes was up I went into the gym and did 2km on the treadmill. It felt like I could do more but I've already decided that I'm going to do some workout tomorrow morning as well because it was such a great start to the day. So I had to think about it and not overdo it since I'm not in the best shape ever.
On my way home I walked by the river and was just amazed of what a beautiful city this is. You get so happy just from walking around here. Then it was time to return to the books. Going slowly forward but at least I'm studying=)
torsdag, januari 20, 2011
Vilket gym! Helt otroligt fräscht och fint och bra maskiner. Jag är helt hög på endorfiner! Här ska det tränas!
I'm so happy. Yesterday I got this idea in my head that I couldn't get rid off. I had to find a gym and start some serious exercising. I googled gyms in my new city and found that the nearest one was around 2 km from my place but to get there seemed a bit tricky. Then during lunch today I started talking to some nurses and the conversation ended up about workouts. I told them that I was considering trying this gym. Then one nurse told me that there is another gym closer to me (in the end of the street next to mine). I was so happy because this one dind't come up during my google search and less face it the further away the gym is the less likely it is that I will attend regularly. So I booked a spinning class and went.
Oh what a gym. So new and airy and nice machines, treadmills etc. I'm high on endorphins. Let's get into better shape!
onsdag, januari 19, 2011
I'm so tired today! I have no idea why! I have no idea what I'm going to do the rest of the evening either. No energy left and it wasn't even that much to do today. Just managed to sit one hour in front of the computer without getting anything done.... I think I'll drop this writing too and get back to you tomorrow.
måndag, januari 17, 2011
Oh don't look at me like that, I know!
Well you can all guess home everything worked out yesterday. At least I sat down some hours and studied. And besides the dough for the pirogues is rising as we speak(or write). I've solved the problem with the rolling pin in a very interesting fashion.I fixed the papers yesterday but didn't have time to mail them today =( Cleaning the apartment ended in me vacuum once more as carelessly as the last time. Oh Nina sometimes I just don't know what to do with you...
söndag, januari 16, 2011
Time for discipline
Så på schemat idag står (nu när jag skriver det här så blir jag ju tvungen att genomföra det =))
- Plugga (inga ursäkter nu)
- Fixa lite papper som skall skickas imorgon (skjut inte upp det ytterligare en vecka till)
- Göra dessa piroger (vilken jäkla bra ide det var...igår. jag äger ingen kavel ska bli intressant att se hur vi löser detta)
- Städa lägenheten (skulle också gjorts igår men det slutade med att jag dammsög lite oengagerat och det ligger fortfarande kvar grus från skorna i hallen)
- Lokalisera mitt källarförråd (och förhoppningsvis inte träffa på någon lönnmördare nere i källaren som det alltid finns i skräckfilmer)
- Bära ner resväskor och lite annat i detta källarförråd
Jag rapporterar imorgon hur mycket som faktiskt blir gjort.
Yesterday was one of those days when you really need to do a lot of things but you have no energy whatsoever to do them. I did absolutely nothing the entire day. Just watched movies, sat by the computer. I had a great idea what to cook for dinner. Started preparing it in the kitchen and had a yoghurt just so I wouldn't starve to death while preparing the food. In the end I realized I didn't really feel like eating what I cooked and just ahd half of it so today my fridge is filled with strange leftovers. They have to be eaten today (still don't feel like having it). I also made some minced meat yesterday to fill pirogues with today. Serious problems as you understand. I also should've studied yesterday but I realized at 6pm that it wasn't going to happen.
So the schedule for today is (if I write it here then I really have to do it =))
- Study (no damn excuses)
- Get some paperwork done that I have to send tomorrow (not postponing it another week)
- Do these pirogues (what a brilliant idea it was... yesterday. I don't even have a rolling pin, so it will be very interesting to see how I solve this)
- Clean the apartment. Also should have been done yesterday but all I did was to vacuum very carelessly and I still have gravel from my shoes in the hallway.
- Localize where my basement store is. (and hopefully not meet a serialkiller down there. In horror movies they are always down in the basement )
- Drag down suitcases and other things to the basement store
I'll let you know tomorrow how it went...
fredag, januari 14, 2011
A week in the emergency room
The week in the ER is overand I'm exhausted. It so intense there but in the same time so increadibly fun. You meet so many people and the brain has to think all the time to guess what might be causing the symptoms. It's particularly fun when you manage to guess right. Or when you get the sense of what you would like to do as a next step, then goes and talk to the superviser and he/she says go for it. It's the best feeling ever. But in the same time I'm braindead everytime I walk out of the hospital. So now I'm going to eat some pizza and watch a movie and that's all.
onsdag, januari 12, 2011
I'm back
Finally moved into my new apartment. I had soooo sore muscles after the move. It is so nice to be able to sleep 1½ hour more each morning and not have to worry whether or not I will finish in time to catch the train in the afternoon. I loove my apartment. It's tiny but all the furniture fit is really nice. This week I'm in the ER. So much to do all day but it is fun! Now I'm going to make some pancakes that I can freeze and take out whenever I'm to tired from work to prepare dinner. That's all for now=)
torsdag, januari 06, 2011
It's a bit too much right now...
Nyår- Finfint
Nyårsdagen- Underbart lat dag med massa filmtittande och min söta kompis S kom förbi och umgicks med mig hela dagen.
2 jan- Började klättra lite på väggarna.
3 jan- Började min int med praktik. tillbaka till pendlandet. Det var sjuk mycket på praktiken så vi fick jobba på som illrar med det var underbart att hitta till allt eftersom jag har varit och praktiserat på med kliniken där förr.
4 jan- Skulle få möta upp med hyresvärden och få nycklarna till lägenheten före jag började på sjukhuset. Tog bilen upp till Trollhättan. Det var den värsta biltur någonsin. Det var så jäkla halt (blixthalka) att jag fick köra 50-60 hela vägen upp. Hann inte hämta nycklarna för att jag höll på att komma försent som det var. Fick stressa ner på lunchen. Spenderade kvällen med att ta mått på lägenheten.
5 jan- fullt ös hela dagen på praktiken. Var som en geleklump när jag kom hem.
6 jan /idag- Skulle egentligen flyttat idag för att jag skulle kunna sova i lägenheten inatt och ha kortare väg till sjukhuset imorgon. Men tack före snöovädret så bidde det inte så utan nu packar jag det sista och hjälper familjen städa undan julen. Snacka om oflyt. Nu blir det flytt i helgen istället! Great!
My to do list is limitless. That's why I haven't been able to write anything since last year. I'll try to summarize this past week:
new years eve: was really nice
jan 1st: a really lazy day with movie watching and my nice friend S came over and kept me company.
jan 2nd: started to get a bit restless.
jan 3rd: started my int med practice. Back to commuting. It was nice to recognize the department since I've done a summer practice here before. It was a really buzy day at the clinic.
jan4th: Was supposed to meet up with the landlord to get the keys to my apartment before starting the practice in the morning. Therefore I took the car for the 100 km drive up to Trollhättan. It was the worst drive of my life. It was so much black ice on the roads and the car was sliding back and forth so I had to drive in 50-60 km/h. So I didn't get there in time for the keys. I had to rush down to get the keys during the lunch insted. Spent the evening measuring the apartment.
jan5th: Full speed on the practice. I felt as though I had been in a boxing match in the evening.
jan 6th/today: I was supposed to move today to be able to spend the night in the apartment and have a shorter way to the hospital tomorrow morning. But due to the snow storm the roads are impossible to drive on (it's a holiday here today). So I've spent the day packing the last things and helpt the family pack down all the christmas things. So the move will take place during the weekend instead. Great!