Idag så drog HA hem. Så nu är jag helt ensam på tjänsten där jag jobbar. Inlärningsperioden är över. Så idag har det varit mycket att göra. På lunchen drog jag ner till skattkontoret för att fixa skattekort och det var lättare sagt än gjort för de ville ha mitt pass som jag inte hade med mig. Dessutom var det en ny tjej som var där och allt gick så jäkla långsamt. Så nu måste jag cykla ner en annan lunch å fixa det. Great! Sedan på vägen hem försökte jag aktivera mitt norska telefonkort och där frågade dom mig om jag hade norskt personnummer. Men det gick bra med mitt körkort där. I och med att jag åkte bil med HA till jobbet så hade jag varken bil eller cykel när jag slutade för dagen och det hängde regn i luften. Så jag fick helt enkelt gå de 7 km ut på ön där jag bor. Det gick faktiskt helt okay och jag klarade mig undan regnet.Jippie!!!!
HA left me here and went home today. So now I'm all alone at my position at work. Introductionperiod is over. So today has been really buzy. During the lunchbreak I went down to the tax office and tried to get a taxcard and it was not too easy. They wanted my passport which I didn't bring. Besides the girl who helped me was new and everything was soooo slow. Now I have to go back there another day. Greeeeat! On my way home I tried to activate my norwegian phonecard., in the store they asked me if I had norwegian social security number. But it worked with my drivers licence. Since I went to work together with HA in his car I hade neither car nor bike at work so I just had to walk the 7 km out on my island. It looked like it was going to rain but it didn't! Yaaaay!
HA left me here and went home today. So now I'm all alone at my position at work. Introductionperiod is over. So today has been really buzy. During the lunchbreak I went down to the tax office and tried to get a taxcard and it was not too easy. They wanted my passport which I didn't bring. Besides the girl who helped me was new and everything was soooo slow. Now I have to go back there another day. Greeeeat! On my way home I tried to activate my norwegian phonecard., in the store they asked me if I had norwegian social security number. But it worked with my drivers licence. Since I went to work together with HA in his car I hade neither car nor bike at work so I just had to walk the 7 km out on my island. It looked like it was going to rain but it didn't! Yaaaay!